Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther and his fellow reformers exalted the Holy Scriptures and challenged the people to obey the Word. Many heeded this call, but some claimed that they were directly instructed by the Holy Spirit and did not need to submit
(too old to reply)
Isa Almasih
2008-07-21 12:19:42 UTC
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther and his fellow reformers exalted the
Holy Scriptures and challenged the people to obey the Word. Many heeded this
call, but some claimed that they were directly instructed by the Holy Spirit
and did not need to submit to the authority of ancient writings. They
countered Luther's challenge by raising the cry, "The Spirit! The Spirit!"
"The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life." In chapter 10 of The Great
Controversy, Ellen G. White describes how the reformers used God's Word as a
mighty weapon to overcome this opposition.

Today, an opposite heresy has gained a foothold in Christendom, with echoes
heard even among some Seventh-day Adventists. In correctly extolling the
Scriptures as the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice, there are some
who cry, "The Bible, the Bible only," denying the continuing prophetic voice
of the Holy Spirit in post-New Testament times. The argument seems logical.
If the Scriptures are all-sufficient, what need is there for extrabiblical
revelations by a modern-day messenger? If all truths are found in the Word
of God, what possible reasons are there for listening to one who claims to
have received instruction from the Holy Spirit?

Seventh-day Adventists have stated as one of our fundamental beliefs that
the Holy Spirit was at work in the ministry of Ellen G. White, providing
"comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction" for the church. We have
pointed to the teaching of the Scriptures that the gift of prophecy did not
cease with the apostles, but that it would be present in the "last days," as
prophesied by Joel (Joel 2:28, 29). Furthermore, in his letter to the
Ephesians, Paul stated that the gifts of the Spirit were to bless the church
until "we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:13. And John tells us that God's people at
the very end of time will possess the testimony of Jesus Himself, which the
angel identifies as the Spirit of prophecy. Revelation 12:17, 19:10.

Seventh-day Adventists reject the position of the cessationists-those who
believe that the gifts of the Spirit ceased with the death of the Apostles.
Rather, we maintain that to subscribe to the motto "The Bible and the Bible
only" means to accept all that the Bible teaches, and that this includes the
continuing presence of the Holy Spirit through the gifts-especially in the
last days. Yet, at a time when prominent theologians who are not Seventh-day
Adventists are recognizing cessationist views as unbiblical, there are some
voices within Adventism that, if heeded, would leave no room for a
modern-day messenger. If one interprets sola Scriptura-"The Bible and the
Bible only"-to mean that everything the Christian needs to pay attention to
spiritually was already written 2,000 years ago-to the exclusion of what the
Spirit says to the church today-then one is holding a position having no
practical difference from the belief that the prophetic gift ceased with the

We must be clear. The Scriptures stand unique as God's infallible revelation
of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, and
the revealer of doctrines. If this is true, then why the writings of Ellen
White? We might ask the same question another way: If the Bible is
all-sufficient, what need is there for the continuing special guidance of
the Holy Spirit?

Jesus Himself presents the answer, as recorded in John 16:12, 13: "I have
yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when
he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: . . .
and he will shew you things to come." We can see how this promise was
fulfilled in the life and writings of the apostles, but we have also seen
how the Scriptures teach that this testimony of the Spirit did not end with
the last of the apostles. Not according to Paul's testimony, or to John's.

The pages of Scripture record how God instructed His people through special
messengers to rebuke sin, to warn of coming dangers, to unmask Satan's
plans, and to reveal the results of misdirected choices-timely instruction
from the Holy Spirit that was distinct from the light ultimately embodied in
the canon, yet just as needful for the current crisis. In the days of the
kings of Israel, we read of messengers like Ahijah, Shemaiah, Huldah,
Nathan, and even unnamed "men of God" who saved the nation from defeat and
brought conviction to erring rulers. In the New Testament church, we learn
that the apostles were directed by the prophecies of Agabus, among others
(see Acts 11:27-30).

Seventh-day Adventists believe that God has not left His end-time church
without the special guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that this has been
remarkably demonstrated in the life and writings of Ellen White. But the
question is still asked: If God's people have the Scriptures, what need is
there for a modern messenger? Hasn't God given us all that we need to know
in the Bible?

It is because of His great love for His people that God continues to speak.
He sees our need, even when we are blind to our true spiritual condition. He
seeks to preserve us from self-inflicted calamities and from the wiles of
the devil-our invisible but ever-watchful foe. He wants us to recognize His
sovereign hand in the affairs of this world and how His church can most
effectively fulfill its mission of carrying the gospel to every nation,
kindred, tongue, and people.

On a practical level, let's look at five areas in which the writings of
Ellen White accomplish God's purposes for us individually and as a
church-purposes that are outlined in Scripture but are further illuminated
through the prophetic gift today.

1. They reveal the enemy's plans.

In the days of Elisha, the king of Syria was convinced that his army had
been infiltrated by Israelite spies because the enemy seemed to know in
advance when and where he would attack. The king was told, however, that it
wasn't human intelligence, it was Israel's prophet-Elisha-to whom the Lord
was giving "inside" information. 2 Kings 6:8-12.

In the writings of Ellen G. White there is perhaps no greater theme than
that of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The "Conflict of the
Ages" series is unlike any other writing on the Bible story in that it shows
how the conflict that began in heaven continues on our planet and in each
person's heart. We are given "behind the scenes" views of the issues at
stake in this cosmic battle.

Bringing the instruction even closer, we are given insights into Satan's
strategies for his war against the remnant-the war described by John in
Revelation 12:17. While we know from Peter that the devil is as a roaring
lion seeking to devour his prey (1 Peter 5:8), the modern-day voice of the
Spirit of prophecy unmasks his deceptions and traps so that we can be more
fully equipped to follow the apostle's admonition to "resist" the enemy and
"be vigilant" (vss. 8, 9).

2. They show God's hand in human history.

The prophets of old interpreted events of their day in the light of God's
dealings with His people and the surrounding nations. Daniel revealed God's
sovereignty in the succession of kingdoms that were to follow from Babylon
to the breaking-up of the Roman Empire. And in the cases of individuals, it
often required the prophetic voice to explain sudden sicknesses or
unexpected blessings. In similar fashion, we find in Ellen White's writings
descriptions of events where God was directly involved. The sudden retreat
of the superior Union army in the first Battle of Manassas (of the U. S.
Civil War) was shown to Ellen White in vision, and what was inexplicable in
human terms was revealed to be the work of angelic intervention. See
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 266, 267. Such knowledge could come
only from prophetic insight.

In 1906, after San Francisco, California, suffered a devastating earthquake,
Ellen White was instructed that the city had forfeited the protection of God's
restraining hand because of its wickedness, and that what happened in San
Francisco would be repeated in other cities as we near the end of time.
Hence her call to carry the gospel message to the large cities while there
was still opportunity. While we know from the Scriptures that God holds
cities and nations to account, it is only when He speaks through His special
messengers that we can know with certainty the divine purposes behind human
events. Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he
revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

3. They set forth the results of choices.

When Jerusalem was surrounded by the Babylonian army, King Zedekiah called
the prophet Jeremiah from the prison court where he had been banished and
promised to spare his life if only he would tell him the truth about the
future of his kingdom. Jeremiah laid out two options: Surrender to the king
of Babylon and live, or fight and the city would be destroyed and his own
life ruined. Jeremiah 38:14-23. A call to surrender was not what Zedekiah
wanted to hear from Jeremiah. He hoped the prophet would predict
deliverance, announcing that God would fight for the protection of His
people as He had done in the days of Joshua and the judges. Ultimately,
Zedekiah made the wrong choice and Jeremiah's unpopular words were proven
true-words that were counter to all the king's advisers and military

In our own day, while the will of God is broadly revealed in His Word, there
are occasions when God's people need supernatural guidance to lead them
toward a better course. Ellen White's instruction on healthful living
illustrates this in a practical way. Study after study has confirmed the
positive results of choosing to live according to the principles of health
outlined in her writings. These results are widely recognized today. Yet, if
left to our own devices, we might choose a different lifestyle. Even though
Scripture describes the diet of Eden and refers to our bodies as temples of
the Holy Spirit, would we as a people have taken such passages seriously?
Probably not. But the Spirit of prophecy elaborated on the principles in
them, spelling them out in practical terms in the writings of Ellen G.
White. Similarly, we would not likely have seen the close relationship
between physical health and spiritual health apart from the attention that
Mrs. White drew to it.

4. They rebuke sin.

There is perhaps no greater illustration of the Spirit's work in bringing
conviction to the human heart than the prophetic word that Nathan spoke to
David. David was familiar with the seventh commandment, and the sixth-he had
the Torah, the writings of Moses. Yet in His mercy, God sent His messenger
to reveal the sin that David had been trying to conceal and to bring home to
his heart the truth that he had been trying to ignore. Who knows whether
David would have repented on his own, had it not been for the prophetic word
communicated through Nathan?

Similarly, in the Scriptures we have God's standard for character and His
truth-detector, just as David had the instruction of the Torah. But God goes
the second mile when He appeals to His modern-day people through the Spirit
of prophecy. Knowing that we are experts at rationalizing our behaviors and
that we can so easily fail to see where we are missing the mark (Revelation
3:19 depicts us as "blind" and ignorant of our true spiritual conditions),
God did not abandon us to our self-delusions. Through the writings of Ellen
White, our lives are held up before us as in a mirror, and in the light of
the principles of God's Word we are led to feel our deficiencies, to
recognize our sinfulness, and to accept prayerfully the forgiveness and
righteousness that Christ offers us.

5. They apply Scripture.

In presenting the righteousness of faith in contrast to the works of the
law, Paul was led by the Spirit to describe the experience of Abraham and
Hagar as an allegory. Galatians 4:21-31. This is one of many examples we
find in the New Testament where the apostles drew attention to specific
passages of Scripture that had special significance for their readers. The
early Christians had the writings of the Old Testament which they could
study for themselves, yet this did not preclude the working of the Spirit to
draw their minds to a further application of particular passages, just as
when Jesus announced that the words of Isaiah 61-setting free the
captives-were being fulfilled that very day in their presence.

Today, while the Scriptures remain the believer's source of truth and the
test of experience, it is part of the work of the Holy Spirit to point out
and apply particular themes and passages from the Word that have special
significance for God's people. In its broadest sense, Ellen White's
"Conflict of the Ages" series selects and applies Bible narratives that
illustrate the great controversy theme. Mrs. White directs our attention to
those scenes because they instruct us about the future as well as the past.
But she was also led by the Spirit to highlight specific passages that are
especially relevant to the last-day church. For example, speaking of Isaiah
58, she wrote, "The whole chapter is applicable to those who are living in
this period of earth's history. Consider this chapter attentively; for it
will be fulfilled" (Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p.

Believing that the Holy Spirit enlightened Ellen White through the gift of
prophecy, we are led to give greater study to such passages, fulfilling God's
purpose in continuing to speak to His people through His Word.

In summary, we have considered how the Scriptures-God's supreme revelation
of His will-teach that the gifts of the Spirit will continue to guide God's
people till the end of time. While the canon of God's Word is closed, He has
not closed off communication with His church through the prophetic gift,
particularly as the church faces the deceptions of the last days. And
Seventh-day Adventists recognize Ellen G. White as one called by God to bear
divine messages to His people.

We have seen how the sufficiency of Scripture does not preclude the Holy
Spirit's special direction and instruction in at least five ways:

1. By unmasking Satan's strategies for deception

2. By opening to our view the cosmic conflict and God's hand in history

3. By helping us choose the right course of action when our human sight is

4. By bringing conviction where we are blind to our sinfulness

5. By directing us to Scriptural teachings that have special application to
our experience and times.

Despite all that he had been through from fanatics claiming the Spirit,
Martin Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Fortress," still included the line which
affirms, "The Spirit and the gifts are ours, through Him who with us
sideth." Let us heed the counsel of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians
5:19, 20: "Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings." Above all, let
us remember Christ's message to the Laodicean church, our church: "He that
hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"
(Revelation 3:22).
Frank Arthur
2008-07-21 14:37:18 UTC
If you believe that 2000 years of Christianity has brought peace,
brotherhood and happiness then you are ignorant of history.
Or if Islam is a religion of peace why are Sunni Muslims & Shiite
slaughter and torture each other by the tens of thousands?

Reason and Science or Religion and superstition?
All religions are based on "belief" not "facts".
Things like "heaven" ,"72 virgins", "Garden of Eden with a talking
snake","Angels","Ghosts","Noah's Ark", "Jesus walking on
water","witches"& "Moses getting the 10 Commandments from God" are all
"beliefs" and contain not even a shred of evidence
any of these childish things ever existed. Why would they be taught in
Public Schools- or posted in Public buildings financved by people of
all beliefs,
other than to explain the difference between "facts" & "beliefs"?
Judaism,Christianity & Islam were religions written during periods of
ignorance. The people who wrote these books had no knowledge of the
Solar System,
the fact that the Earth was round or that the Sun was the center of
the Solar System,
the origins of the Universe,the Decimal System of Measurements, Germs
or Bacteria, Antibiotics,X-Rays,Dinosaurs and other Pre-historic
animals,Natural Selection, Sciences or even that North America,
China,or the Polar Ice Caps even existed. Can you imagine such a
"belief system" based on ignorance and superstition as religions do?
Or people
who believe ancient books possess magic powers or hold "sacred
I prefer reason, logic & science.
Post by Isa Almasih
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther and his fellow reformers
exalted the Holy Scriptures and challenged the people to obey the
Word. Many heeded this call, but some claimed that they were
directly instructed by the Holy Spirit and did not need to submit to
the authority of ancient writings. They countered Luther's challenge
by raising the cry, "The Spirit! The Spirit!" "The letter killeth,
but the Spirit giveth life." In chapter 10 of The Great Controversy,
Ellen G. White describes how the reformers used God's Word as a
mighty weapon to overcome this opposition.
Today, an opposite heresy has gained a foothold in Christendom, with
echoes heard even among some Seventh-day Adventists. In correctly
extolling the Scriptures as the all-sufficient rule of faith and
practice, there are some who cry, "The Bible, the Bible only,"
denying the continuing prophetic voice of the Holy Spirit in
post-New Testament times. The argument seems logical. If the
Scriptures are all-sufficient, what need is there for extrabiblical
revelations by a modern-day messenger? If all truths are found in
the Word of God, what possible reasons are there for listening to
one who claims to have received instruction from the Holy Spirit?
Seventh-day Adventists have stated as one of our fundamental beliefs
that the Holy Spirit was at work in the ministry of Ellen G. White,
providing "comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction" for the
church. We have pointed to the teaching of the Scriptures that the
gift of prophecy did not cease with the apostles, but that it would
be present in the "last days," as prophesied by Joel (Joel 2:28,
29). Furthermore, in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul stated that
the gifts of the Spirit were to bless the church until "we all come
in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Christ." Ephesians 4:13. And John tells us that God's people at
the very end of time will possess the testimony of Jesus Himself,
which the angel identifies as the Spirit of prophecy. Revelation
12:17, 19:10.
Seventh-day Adventists reject the position of the
cessationists-those who believe that the gifts of the Spirit ceased
with the death of the Apostles. Rather, we maintain that to
subscribe to the motto "The Bible and the Bible only" means to
accept all that the Bible teaches, and that this includes the
continuing presence of the Holy Spirit through the gifts-especially
in the last days. Yet, at a time when prominent theologians who are
not Seventh-day Adventists are recognizing cessationist views as
unbiblical, there are some voices within Adventism that, if heeded,
would leave no room for a modern-day messenger. If one interprets
sola Scriptura-"The Bible and the Bible only"-to mean that
everything the Christian needs to pay attention to spiritually was
already written 2,000 years ago-to the exclusion of what the Spirit
says to the church today-then one is holding a position having no
practical difference from the belief that the prophetic gift ceased
with the apostles.
We must be clear. The Scriptures stand unique as God's infallible
revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test
of experience, and the revealer of doctrines. If this is true, then
why the writings of Ellen White? We might ask the same question
another way: If the Bible is all-sufficient, what need is there for
the continuing special guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus Himself presents the answer, as recorded in John 16:12, 13: "I
have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth: . . . and he will shew you things to come." We can
see how this promise was fulfilled in the life and writings of the
apostles, but we have also seen how the Scriptures teach that this
testimony of the Spirit did not end with the last of the apostles.
Not according to Paul's testimony, or to John's.
The pages of Scripture record how God instructed His people through
special messengers to rebuke sin, to warn of coming dangers, to
unmask Satan's plans, and to reveal the results of misdirected
choices-timely instruction from the Holy Spirit that was distinct
from the light ultimately embodied in the canon, yet just as needful
for the current crisis. In the days of the kings of Israel, we read
of messengers like Ahijah, Shemaiah, Huldah, Nathan, and even
unnamed "men of God" who saved the nation from defeat and brought
conviction to erring rulers. In the New Testament church, we learn
that the apostles were directed by the prophecies of Agabus, among
others (see Acts 11:27-30).
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God has not left His end-time
church without the special guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that
this has been remarkably demonstrated in the life and writings of
Ellen White. But the question is still asked: If God's people have
the Scriptures, what need is there for a modern messenger? Hasn't
God given us all that we need to know in the Bible?
It is because of His great love for His people that God continues to
speak. He sees our need, even when we are blind to our true
spiritual condition. He seeks to preserve us from self-inflicted
calamities and from the wiles of the devil-our invisible but
ever-watchful foe. He wants us to recognize His sovereign hand in
the affairs of this world and how His church can most effectively
fulfill its mission of carrying the gospel to every nation, kindred,
tongue, and people.
On a practical level, let's look at five areas in which the writings
of Ellen White accomplish God's purposes for us individually and as
a church-purposes that are outlined in Scripture but are further
illuminated through the prophetic gift today.
1. They reveal the enemy's plans.
In the days of Elisha, the king of Syria was convinced that his army
had been infiltrated by Israelite spies because the enemy seemed to
know in advance when and where he would attack. The king was told,
however, that it wasn't human intelligence, it was Israel's
prophet-Elisha-to whom the Lord was giving "inside" information. 2
Kings 6:8-12.
In the writings of Ellen G. White there is perhaps no greater theme
than that of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The
"Conflict of the Ages" series is unlike any other writing on the
Bible story in that it shows how the conflict that began in heaven
continues on our planet and in each person's heart. We are given
"behind the scenes" views of the issues at stake in this cosmic
Bringing the instruction even closer, we are given insights into
Satan's strategies for his war against the remnant-the war described
by John in Revelation 12:17. While we know from Peter that the devil
is as a roaring lion seeking to devour his prey (1 Peter 5:8), the
modern-day voice of the Spirit of prophecy unmasks his deceptions
and traps so that we can be more fully equipped to follow the
apostle's admonition to "resist" the enemy and "be vigilant" (vss.
8, 9).
2. They show God's hand in human history.
The prophets of old interpreted events of their day in the light of
God's dealings with His people and the surrounding nations. Daniel
revealed God's sovereignty in the succession of kingdoms that were
to follow from Babylon to the breaking-up of the Roman Empire. And
in the cases of individuals, it often required the prophetic voice
to explain sudden sicknesses or unexpected blessings. In similar
fashion, we find in Ellen White's writings descriptions of events
where God was directly involved. The sudden retreat of the superior
Union army in the first Battle of Manassas (of the U. S. Civil War)
was shown to Ellen White in vision, and what was inexplicable in
human terms was revealed to be the work of angelic intervention. See
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 266, 267. Such knowledge
could come only from prophetic insight.
In 1906, after San Francisco, California, suffered a devastating
earthquake, Ellen White was instructed that the city had forfeited
the protection of God's restraining hand because of its wickedness,
and that what happened in San Francisco would be repeated in other
cities as we near the end of time. Hence her call to carry the
gospel message to the large cities while there was still
opportunity. While we know from the Scriptures that God holds cities
and nations to account, it is only when He speaks through His
special messengers that we can know with certainty the divine
purposes behind human events. Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord God
will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the
3. They set forth the results of choices.
When Jerusalem was surrounded by the Babylonian army, King Zedekiah
called the prophet Jeremiah from the prison court where he had been
banished and promised to spare his life if only he would tell him
the truth about the future of his kingdom. Jeremiah laid out two
options: Surrender to the king of Babylon and live, or fight and the
city would be destroyed and his own life ruined. Jeremiah 38:14-23.
A call to surrender was not what Zedekiah wanted to hear from
Jeremiah. He hoped the prophet would predict deliverance, announcing
that God would fight for the protection of His people as He had done
in the days of Joshua and the judges. Ultimately, Zedekiah made the
wrong choice and Jeremiah's unpopular words were proven true-words
that were counter to all the king's advisers and military officials.
In our own day, while the will of God is broadly revealed in His
Word, there are occasions when God's people need supernatural
guidance to lead them toward a better course. Ellen White's
instruction on healthful living illustrates this in a practical way.
Study after study has confirmed the positive results of choosing to
live according to the principles of health outlined in her writings.
These results are widely recognized today. Yet, if left to our own
devices, we might choose a different lifestyle. Even though
Scripture describes the diet of Eden and refers to our bodies as
temples of the Holy Spirit, would we as a people have taken such
passages seriously? Probably not. But the Spirit of prophecy
elaborated on the principles in them, spelling them out in practical
terms in the writings of Ellen G. White. Similarly, we would not
likely have seen the close relationship between physical health and
spiritual health apart from the attention that Mrs. White drew to
4. They rebuke sin.
There is perhaps no greater illustration of the Spirit's work in
bringing conviction to the human heart than the prophetic word that
Nathan spoke to David. David was familiar with the seventh
commandment, and the sixth-he had the Torah, the writings of Moses.
Yet in His mercy, God sent His messenger to reveal the sin that
David had been trying to conceal and to bring home to his heart the
truth that he had been trying to ignore. Who knows whether David
would have repented on his own, had it not been for the prophetic
word communicated through Nathan?
Similarly, in the Scriptures we have God's standard for character
and His truth-detector, just as David had the instruction of the
Torah. But God goes the second mile when He appeals to His
modern-day people through the Spirit of prophecy. Knowing that we
are experts at rationalizing our behaviors and that we can so easily
fail to see where we are missing the mark (Revelation 3:19 depicts
us as "blind" and ignorant of our true spiritual conditions), God
did not abandon us to our self-delusions. Through the writings of
Ellen White, our lives are held up before us as in a mirror, and in
the light of the principles of God's Word we are led to feel our
deficiencies, to recognize our sinfulness, and to accept prayerfully
the forgiveness and righteousness that Christ offers us.
5. They apply Scripture.
In presenting the righteousness of faith in contrast to the works of
the law, Paul was led by the Spirit to describe the experience of
Abraham and Hagar as an allegory. Galatians 4:21-31. This is one of
many examples we find in the New Testament where the apostles drew
attention to specific passages of Scripture that had special
significance for their readers. The early Christians had the
writings of the Old Testament which they could study for themselves,
yet this did not preclude the working of the Spirit to draw their
minds to a further application of particular passages, just as when
Jesus announced that the words of Isaiah 61-setting free the
captives-were being fulfilled that very day in their presence.
Today, while the Scriptures remain the believer's source of truth
and the test of experience, it is part of the work of the Holy
Spirit to point out and apply particular themes and passages from
the Word that have special significance for God's people. In its
broadest sense, Ellen White's "Conflict of the Ages" series selects
and applies Bible narratives that illustrate the great controversy
theme. Mrs. White directs our attention to those scenes because they
instruct us about the future as well as the past. But she was also
led by the Spirit to highlight specific passages that are especially
relevant to the last-day church. For example, speaking of Isaiah 58,
she wrote, "The whole chapter is applicable to those who are living
in this period of earth's history. Consider this chapter
attentively; for it will be fulfilled" (Seventh-day Adventist Bible
Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1149).
Believing that the Holy Spirit enlightened Ellen White through the
gift of prophecy, we are led to give greater study to such passages,
fulfilling God's purpose in continuing to speak to His people
through His Word.
In summary, we have considered how the Scriptures-God's supreme
revelation of His will-teach that the gifts of the Spirit will
continue to guide God's people till the end of time. While the canon
of God's Word is closed, He has not closed off communication with
His church through the prophetic gift, particularly as the church
faces the deceptions of the last days. And Seventh-day Adventists
recognize Ellen G. White as one called by God to bear divine
messages to His people.
We have seen how the sufficiency of Scripture does not preclude the
Holy Spirit's special direction and instruction in at least five
1. By unmasking Satan's strategies for deception
2. By opening to our view the cosmic conflict and God's hand in history
3. By helping us choose the right course of action when our human
sight is deficient
4. By bringing conviction where we are blind to our sinfulness
5. By directing us to Scriptural teachings that have special
application to our experience and times.
Despite all that he had been through from fanatics claiming the
Spirit, Martin Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Fortress," still included
the line which affirms, "The Spirit and the gifts are ours, through
Him who with us sideth." Let us heed the counsel of the apostle Paul
in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, 20: "Quench not the Spirit. Despise not
prophesyings." Above all, let us remember Christ's message to the
Laodicean church, our church: "He that hath an ear, let him hear
what the Spirit saith unto the churches" (Revelation 3:22).
2008-08-06 14:30:06 UTC
Martin Luther led millions from the true church and faith and help them
loose their immortal souls. Now Martin Luther false beliefs have showed up
again as the Novus Ordo (New Rite). New Rite sound to Masonic in English so
they used the Latin Novus Ordo. The Catholic church is getting away from her
truths, I hope the new pope will fixes these bad cardinals and bishops
(excommicate them). With the Great heretic Pope John Paul the 2nd gone maybe
it will get better. How many people did he help loose the true faith and
follow the false belief that we all worship the same god. There is only one
true God and many false ones and one True Holy Apostolic Catholic church.
It seems like people forget the the old testament "All the gods of the
gentiles are devils." they did not leave us. I know there are about 4
western rites and 26 eastern rites.

Some people will not like my comments too bad.

Post by Frank Arthur
If you believe that 2000 years of Christianity has brought peace,
brotherhood and happiness then you are ignorant of history.
Or if Islam is a religion of peace why are Sunni Muslims & Shiite Muslims
slaughter and torture each other by the tens of thousands?
Reason and Science or Religion and superstition?
All religions are based on "belief" not "facts".
Things like "heaven" ,"72 virgins", "Garden of Eden with a talking
snake","Angels","Ghosts","Noah's Ark", "Jesus walking on water","witches"&
"Moses getting the 10 Commandments from God" are all "beliefs" and contain
not even a shred of evidence
any of these childish things ever existed. Why would they be taught in
Public Schools- or posted in Public buildings financved by people of all
other than to explain the difference between "facts" & "beliefs"?
Judaism,Christianity & Islam were religions written during periods of
ignorance. The people who wrote these books had no knowledge of the Solar
the fact that the Earth was round or that the Sun was the center of the
Solar System,
the origins of the Universe,the Decimal System of Measurements, Germs or
Bacteria, Antibiotics,X-Rays,Dinosaurs and other Pre-historic
animals,Natural Selection, Sciences or even that North America, China,or
the Polar Ice Caps even existed. Can you imagine such a "belief system"
based on ignorance and superstition as religions do? Or people
who believe ancient books possess magic powers or hold "sacred truths"?
I prefer reason, logic & science.
Post by Isa Almasih
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther and his fellow reformers exalted
the Holy Scriptures and challenged the people to obey the Word. Many
heeded this call, but some claimed that they were directly instructed by
the Holy Spirit and did not need to submit to the authority of ancient
writings. They countered Luther's challenge by raising the cry, "The
Spirit! The Spirit!" "The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life." In
chapter 10 of The Great Controversy, Ellen G. White describes how the
reformers used God's Word as a mighty weapon to overcome this opposition.
Today, an opposite heresy has gained a foothold in Christendom, with
echoes heard even among some Seventh-day Adventists. In correctly
extolling the Scriptures as the all-sufficient rule of faith and
practice, there are some who cry, "The Bible, the Bible only," denying
the continuing prophetic voice of the Holy Spirit in post-New Testament
times. The argument seems logical. If the Scriptures are all-sufficient,
what need is there for extrabiblical revelations by a modern-day
messenger? If all truths are found in the Word of God, what possible
reasons are there for listening to one who claims to have received
instruction from the Holy Spirit?
Seventh-day Adventists have stated as one of our fundamental beliefs that
the Holy Spirit was at work in the ministry of Ellen G. White, providing
"comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction" for the church. We have
pointed to the teaching of the Scriptures that the gift of prophecy did
not cease with the apostles, but that it would be present in the "last
days," as prophesied by Joel (Joel 2:28, 29). Furthermore, in his letter
to the Ephesians, Paul stated that the gifts of the Spirit were to bless
the church until "we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the
stature of the fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:13. And John tells us
that God's people at the very end of time will possess the testimony of
Jesus Himself, which the angel identifies as the Spirit of prophecy.
Revelation 12:17, 19:10.
Seventh-day Adventists reject the position of the cessationists-those who
believe that the gifts of the Spirit ceased with the death of the
Apostles. Rather, we maintain that to subscribe to the motto "The Bible
and the Bible only" means to accept all that the Bible teaches, and that
this includes the continuing presence of the Holy Spirit through the
gifts-especially in the last days. Yet, at a time when prominent
theologians who are not Seventh-day Adventists are recognizing
cessationist views as unbiblical, there are some voices within Adventism
that, if heeded, would leave no room for a modern-day messenger. If one
interprets sola Scriptura-"The Bible and the Bible only"-to mean that
everything the Christian needs to pay attention to spiritually was
already written 2,000 years ago-to the exclusion of what the Spirit says
to the church today-then one is holding a position having no practical
difference from the belief that the prophetic gift ceased with the
We must be clear. The Scriptures stand unique as God's infallible
revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of
experience, and the revealer of doctrines. If this is true, then why the
writings of Ellen White? We might ask the same question another way: If
the Bible is all-sufficient, what need is there for the continuing
special guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus Himself presents the answer, as recorded in John 16:12, 13: "I have
yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit
. . . and he will shew you things to come." We can see how this promise
was fulfilled in the life and writings of the apostles, but we have also
seen how the Scriptures teach that this testimony of the Spirit did not
end with the last of the apostles. Not according to Paul's testimony, or
to John's.
The pages of Scripture record how God instructed His people through
special messengers to rebuke sin, to warn of coming dangers, to unmask
Satan's plans, and to reveal the results of misdirected choices-timely
instruction from the Holy Spirit that was distinct from the light
ultimately embodied in the canon, yet just as needful for the current
crisis. In the days of the kings of Israel, we read of messengers like
Ahijah, Shemaiah, Huldah, Nathan, and even unnamed "men of God" who saved
the nation from defeat and brought conviction to erring rulers. In the
New Testament church, we learn that the apostles were directed by the
prophecies of Agabus, among others (see Acts 11:27-30).
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God has not left His end-time church
without the special guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that this has been
remarkably demonstrated in the life and writings of Ellen White. But the
question is still asked: If God's people have the Scriptures, what need
is there for a modern messenger? Hasn't God given us all that we need to
know in the Bible?
It is because of His great love for His people that God continues to
speak. He sees our need, even when we are blind to our true spiritual
condition. He seeks to preserve us from self-inflicted calamities and
from the wiles of the devil-our invisible but ever-watchful foe. He wants
us to recognize His sovereign hand in the affairs of this world and how
His church can most effectively fulfill its mission of carrying the
gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
On a practical level, let's look at five areas in which the writings of
Ellen White accomplish God's purposes for us individually and as a
church-purposes that are outlined in Scripture but are further
illuminated through the prophetic gift today.
1. They reveal the enemy's plans.
In the days of Elisha, the king of Syria was convinced that his army had
been infiltrated by Israelite spies because the enemy seemed to know in
advance when and where he would attack. The king was told, however, that
it wasn't human intelligence, it was Israel's prophet-Elisha-to whom the
Lord was giving "inside" information. 2 Kings 6:8-12.
In the writings of Ellen G. White there is perhaps no greater theme than
that of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The "Conflict of
the Ages" series is unlike any other writing on the Bible story in that
it shows how the conflict that began in heaven continues on our planet
and in each person's heart. We are given "behind the scenes" views of the
issues at stake in this cosmic battle.
Bringing the instruction even closer, we are given insights into Satan's
strategies for his war against the remnant-the war described by John in
Revelation 12:17. While we know from Peter that the devil is as a roaring
lion seeking to devour his prey (1 Peter 5:8), the modern-day voice of
the Spirit of prophecy unmasks his deceptions and traps so that we can be
more fully equipped to follow the apostle's admonition to "resist" the
enemy and "be vigilant" (vss. 8, 9).
2. They show God's hand in human history.
The prophets of old interpreted events of their day in the light of God's
dealings with His people and the surrounding nations. Daniel revealed
God's sovereignty in the succession of kingdoms that were to follow from
Babylon to the breaking-up of the Roman Empire. And in the cases of
individuals, it often required the prophetic voice to explain sudden
sicknesses or unexpected blessings. In similar fashion, we find in Ellen
White's writings descriptions of events where God was directly involved.
The sudden retreat of the superior Union army in the first Battle of
Manassas (of the U. S. Civil War) was shown to Ellen White in vision, and
what was inexplicable in human terms was revealed to be the work of
angelic intervention. See Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 266,
267. Such knowledge could come only from prophetic insight.
In 1906, after San Francisco, California, suffered a devastating
earthquake, Ellen White was instructed that the city had forfeited the
protection of God's restraining hand because of its wickedness, and that
what happened in San Francisco would be repeated in other cities as we
near the end of time. Hence her call to carry the gospel message to the
large cities while there was still opportunity. While we know from the
Scriptures that God holds cities and nations to account, it is only when
He speaks through His special messengers that we can know with certainty
the divine purposes behind human events. Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord
God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the
3. They set forth the results of choices.
When Jerusalem was surrounded by the Babylonian army, King Zedekiah
called the prophet Jeremiah from the prison court where he had been
banished and promised to spare his life if only he would tell him the
Surrender to the king of Babylon and live, or fight and the city would be
destroyed and his own life ruined. Jeremiah 38:14-23. A call to surrender
was not what Zedekiah wanted to hear from Jeremiah. He hoped the prophet
would predict deliverance, announcing that God would fight for the
protection of His people as He had done in the days of Joshua and the
judges. Ultimately, Zedekiah made the wrong choice and Jeremiah's
unpopular words were proven true-words that were counter to all the
king's advisers and military officials.
In our own day, while the will of God is broadly revealed in His Word,
there are occasions when God's people need supernatural guidance to lead
them toward a better course. Ellen White's instruction on healthful
living illustrates this in a practical way. Study after study has
confirmed the positive results of choosing to live according to the
principles of health outlined in her writings. These results are widely
recognized today. Yet, if left to our own devices, we might choose a
different lifestyle. Even though Scripture describes the diet of Eden and
refers to our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, would we as a people
have taken such passages seriously? Probably not. But the Spirit of
prophecy elaborated on the principles in them, spelling them out in
practical terms in the writings of Ellen G. White. Similarly, we would
not likely have seen the close relationship between physical health and
spiritual health apart from the attention that Mrs. White drew to it.
4. They rebuke sin.
There is perhaps no greater illustration of the Spirit's work in bringing
conviction to the human heart than the prophetic word that Nathan spoke
to David. David was familiar with the seventh commandment, and the
sixth-he had the Torah, the writings of Moses. Yet in His mercy, God sent
His messenger to reveal the sin that David had been trying to conceal and
to bring home to his heart the truth that he had been trying to ignore.
Who knows whether David would have repented on his own, had it not been
for the prophetic word communicated through Nathan?
Similarly, in the Scriptures we have God's standard for character and His
truth-detector, just as David had the instruction of the Torah. But God
goes the second mile when He appeals to His modern-day people through the
Spirit of prophecy. Knowing that we are experts at rationalizing our
behaviors and that we can so easily fail to see where we are missing the
mark (Revelation 3:19 depicts us as "blind" and ignorant of our true
spiritual conditions), God did not abandon us to our self-delusions.
Through the writings of Ellen White, our lives are held up before us as
in a mirror, and in the light of the principles of God's Word we are led
to feel our deficiencies, to recognize our sinfulness, and to accept
prayerfully the forgiveness and righteousness that Christ offers us.
5. They apply Scripture.
In presenting the righteousness of faith in contrast to the works of the
law, Paul was led by the Spirit to describe the experience of Abraham and
Hagar as an allegory. Galatians 4:21-31. This is one of many examples we
find in the New Testament where the apostles drew attention to specific
passages of Scripture that had special significance for their readers.
The early Christians had the writings of the Old Testament which they
could study for themselves, yet this did not preclude the working of the
Spirit to draw their minds to a further application of particular
passages, just as when Jesus announced that the words of Isaiah
61-setting free the captives-were being fulfilled that very day in their
Today, while the Scriptures remain the believer's source of truth and the
test of experience, it is part of the work of the Holy Spirit to point
out and apply particular themes and passages from the Word that have
special significance for God's people. In its broadest sense, Ellen
White's "Conflict of the Ages" series selects and applies Bible
narratives that illustrate the great controversy theme. Mrs. White
directs our attention to those scenes because they instruct us about the
future as well as the past. But she was also led by the Spirit to
highlight specific passages that are especially relevant to the last-day
church. For example, speaking of Isaiah 58, she wrote, "The whole chapter
is applicable to those who are living in this period of earth's history.
Consider this chapter attentively; for it will be fulfilled" (Seventh-day
Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1149).
Believing that the Holy Spirit enlightened Ellen White through the gift
of prophecy, we are led to give greater study to such passages,
fulfilling God's purpose in continuing to speak to His people through His
In summary, we have considered how the Scriptures-God's supreme
revelation of His will-teach that the gifts of the Spirit will continue
to guide God's people till the end of time. While the canon of God's Word
is closed, He has not closed off communication with His church through
the prophetic gift, particularly as the church faces the deceptions of
the last days. And Seventh-day Adventists recognize Ellen G. White as one
called by God to bear divine messages to His people.
We have seen how the sufficiency of Scripture does not preclude the Holy
1. By unmasking Satan's strategies for deception
2. By opening to our view the cosmic conflict and God's hand in history
3. By helping us choose the right course of action when our human sight
is deficient
4. By bringing conviction where we are blind to our sinfulness
5. By directing us to Scriptural teachings that have special application
to our experience and times.
Despite all that he had been through from fanatics claiming the Spirit,
Martin Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Fortress," still included the line which
affirms, "The Spirit and the gifts are ours, through Him who with us
sideth." Let us heed the counsel of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians
5:19, 20: "Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings." Above all,
let us remember Christ's message to the Laodicean church, our church: "He
that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"
(Revelation 3:22).